Saturday, February 17, 2007

Back to Baltimore

Cameron is taking leave of this beautiful Arizona winter and going back to the frigid Northeast in Baltimore, Maryland. Here's a few photos - also a couple with Cameron (DJ name: Pnyce) and C-Ray who traveled from Indiana for a "gig" Thursday night.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kijuana and Ted's 4th Anniversary

Piestewa Peak - look at that blue sky
Our front door
Cameron with his new "Drum Bums" shirt
Happy Anniversary, Kijuana and Ted!!!

When we were in D.C. four years ago for the wedding, one of the memorable experiences included getting snowed in! Airports closed, airplanes stopped flying - we watched people walking in the snow instead of driving cars. Kamilah and I walked over to Morton's, said hi to the Mayor Anthony Williams and had some lovely chocolate cake.
Here's what it looks like in Phoenix in the middle of February--

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Singing Cowboy on a horse in Scottsdale!
Corban's 20th Birthday
Family luncheon with Cindy and Joe Berry
Dinner with the family!
Gordon E's birthday at the park
The Eliason Girls

I haven't checked in lately, so here goes. Cameron has been home for a few weeks, but will be leaving to go back to Baltimore on Friday. It's always interesting when Cameron is around. I will miss him! While the rest of the nation is suffering with the cold and snow, Phoenix has been at its most beautiful. Sunday afternoon after a sudden rainstorm, it was warm enough to open the windows and smell the fragrant desert air. Wonderful-- We've had outdoor birthday parties, indoor girls' luncheon, family get-together with some of our darling cousins, Corban's 20th birthday! Also a singing cowboy in Scottsdale! Good times!