Saturday, December 02, 2006

Best Friends

One of the happiest things I've done is a long, long time was reconnecting with my best friend from high school - good old Glendale High School! Karyl and I would - because we were diet-conscious and oh so clever - go to Karyl's house during our lunch period and raid her family's refrigerator. We would feast on "dainty" portions of bologna and cheese. Here's the kicker - no bread!!!! Long story short - we met again at Karyl's mother's house. Karyl's Mom is just as elegant and fabulous as ever and as an extra-added bonus, three of Karyl's sisters came by. It was wonderful!! Karyl's Mom, Bonnie, served - what else? Bologna and cheese on the same fabulous plates from Switzerland that we had used many, many years ago. What wonderful people! My life is already many notches higher! Karyl and her husband live in Houston and we will never lose touch again!!